Oven Baked ChickenFillets

Hanging around grandma has its advantages- I pick up little tips and hints that one will not get otherwise. My grandmother makes the best bbq chicken wings. I recall being invited to bbqs as a teenager with special requests from my friends for my grandmother marinated wings!

She told me that 5 spice and honey are two main ingredients that cannot be missed. As for the quantity of each ingredient, erm… well, it’s to your own “Feel”. If you “feel” like more honey is needed, go ahead- it seems that you can’t really go wrong with marinated chicken fillets unless you put heaps of salt instead of sugar (or vice versa!).

Oved Baked Chicken Fillets (serves 4)
600 grams of chicken fillets (Trimmed with bone in)
about 1/4- 1/2 cup of honey
2-3 tsp of 5 spice
2 generous tablespoons of oyster sauce
1 tablespoon of soya
generous sprinkle of ground black pepper
1 tsp of sesame oil
1 tsp of corn flour

chopped red onion

Marinate chicken overnight with all ingredients. Preheat oven to 200C. Put chicken fillet in a deep tray and scatter onion over it. Bake for around 45 mins to an hour.

Serve hot with rice and veges.

PS- I like to have sambal with it too!

Spicy Chicken Mince Tofu with Bean Paste Sauce on Mung Bean Vermicilli

And so we have been married for just over 1 month. =)

Some may say argue that marriage should not change a relationship- but I beg to differ. It’s funny how our brains work- despite being a dating couple for so many years, marriage just bring us closer. Another step ahead. Ee are family now. The responsibilities, future planning, fianaces is just a notch higher than before. AR even speaks like a husband… just the way he stand, the ideas he brought forward and when I asked what changed, he looked at me and say.. well, i’m a husband now.. I am responsible for the family too. No longer me you but it’s always us.

Our jobs for instance has been a topic of discussion lately. One of my closest colleague has decided to resign. Well actually, I’m the last person standing at the moment till more ppl decides to join us. AR raised a very good point that my horrible working hours are affecting him as well- that made me really think hard. It’s no longer about what my career choices are but what each decision affect us.

And what about food you say? According to AR, his colleague said that his lunches look and smell better now that he is married…. hey! that’s unfair.. it has always been me making his lunches..how can they be different? LOL =)

Some photos from our KL Wedding Celebrations:

Preparations- I was in a Red Cheongsum
Love our big big suite in Sunway Lagoon!

Tea Ceremony:

My gorgous lace gown:

Banquet Dinner:

Just before march in:
With our cousins:
My very happy parents:

My 7th Gown (3rd gown for that night but 7th from all celebrations):

The toast!!!
hehee.. Irene is going to kill me with this one- but I LOVE IT!!! She is my closest and best aunt choosing to travel all the way from SG to KL to attend our celebrations. Seeing her makes me smile!

Our lovely friends who travelled from Australia and Singapore to be with us in KL!

OK, I know I have not been blogging about food lately so I’m going to end this super long post with a dish that is really quick but yummy to prepare.

Spicy Chicken Mince Tofu with Bean Paste Sauce on a bed of Mung Bean Vermicilli
200 grams of chicken mince
1 tsp of garlic
olive oil
chopped carrots
1 cup of chopped peas
1 hard tofu
2 tablespoons of spicy bean paste
3 tablespoons of chinese wine
1/4 cup of chicken stock

mung bean vermicilli- two small bunches

1) Soak mung bean vermicilli in water till it becomes soft. Drain and seperate into portions.

2) Meanwhile, heat oil in work. Pat dry tofu with paper towels and chopped into cubes. When oil is hot, fry tofu till golden. Drain with papertowels again and set aside.

3) Same wok- add a little oil if needed, fry garlic. Add chicken mince in and fry till nearly done breaking up the pieces. Add all veges, bean paste and stock. Simmer. Add tofu after 5 minutes.

4) Taste and add salt/pepper accordingly. Spoon mixture onto mung bean vermicilli.

5) Serve! =)

I am dishing this with wedding love on Presto Pasta! Hosted by Sara from I’mfoodblog and founded by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast.

Our Wedding Day 24th of April 2009

I’m back!

and proudly as Mrs R! =)

We had a blast of a time and all 3 wedding celebrations went soo smoothly and wonderfully. The time of our lives. I’m still hanging out for our photos but thought I could take this chance to reflect back on our celebrations. Here is a sample of some professional photos that our photographer took… I’m really keen to see more!!

24th April 2009
On the 24th of April 2009, 5:30pm- we held our Perth solemization and reception. Oh what an amazing afternoon that was. It was raining the week before but that day..just that day was bright and sunny. As I checked into Duxton Hotel and getting all dolled up, I held tightly to our vows..and ponder and wonder about that day and our life together.

We decided to meet 15 minutes before the ceremony and that was probably the best decision we made that evening. Seeing him calmed my nerves. We happily discussed what happened the previous 2 days and prayed for the evening to go smoothly and our marriage to be blessed with forgiveness, love and faith.

Then it was time..and we walked down the white carpet together. I giggled and he slowly held me back..reminding me to walk slowly…savouring the moment.

And what a moment it was. We had a small ceremony with only about 15 ppl (including us) but it was the intimacy that was magical.

The vows were said.. my voice quivered, few tears rolled down.. while I slipped the ring on his finger. It felt right. This is our future.

Then we had photos taken.. we walked away hand in hand to have some alone time..and the reception.

Our host, a great friend from uni requested for guests to write little notes of what “love is…” to us.

Here are some of the notes that we recieved:

– Love is 3 parts affection, 7 parts understanding.
– Love is to say he is always Mr Right.
– Love is when Daddy or Mummy stays up all night to soothe me when I’m crying.
– Love is when you look into each others eyes and forget all your worries.
– Love is forgiving and knowing you will be together. No matter what.
– Love is when I say I’m hungry and he will cook.

We arranged for the teenagers or young ladies as I call them to take polaroid photos of everyone and to ask them to write little messages on the guest book. As we read back those messages, it really really warmed our hearts.

And we can’t go past the night without the traditional Yum Seng can we? *smiles*

I’m not sure if words can describe my emotions. Our Perth reception was kept simple but the simplicity worked for us. I felt happy, blissed and simply just content. At that moment, there was no reason to be unhappy but every reason to look forward to our future together. It is that powerful, that binding…

It is us.

The best thing is that because of our heritage and our families being overseas, we had two more to look forward to after that evening. More traditional and alot more people involved! Still, nothing can take away the magical and loved feel of the 24th of April 2009.

ps- our computer also crashed AND died on the 24th of April 2009 which makes it even more memorable huh? Becuase of that some of my files are lost and it will take me some time to upload some new recipes… but they will be back! =)

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