Product Review: Belvita Breakfast Biscuits

Oh my, has it been that long as I last posted a post? Where has all the time gone? Ah yes, to my rounded tummy!

The folks at Belvita via Nuffnang Product talk has kindly asked me to review their Breakfast Product- Belvita Breakfast Biscuits. I have to be honest to say that I hesitated- because I usually do not advocate eating biscuits for breakfast or any time of the day for that matter. It’s a treat food after all. However, Belvita actually helped me through my morning sickness during my first trimester of this pregnancy.

Those days, I wasn’t able to stomach most food first thing in the morning. The irony of it was that not having food actually makes the nausea (and the throwing up of bile!) worse. Munching one or two biscuits in the car also helped me to stop wanting to spew while driving.

While the sugar levels of this product isn’t exactly the lowest- it is probably one of the lowest GI and lower carbs than other biscuits out there. It comes in a pack of 4- which means I will not over eat! I packed one for Hubby’s snack and he usually have 2 for morning tea and 2 for afternoon tea.

My personal favourite is Honey & Nut with Choc Chips. However, there are a total of 5 variety to choose from, Cranberry, Milk and Cereal, Crunch Oats and Fruit and Fibre.

I do love that it has
– Fibre 2.9 grams (and we all know for pregger women out there, more fibre is good!)
– Packaged into 4 so we don’t over eat
– Low GI
– Not too high in fat
– tasty!

It is recommended that you have it with milk or yogurt. While I generally do not do that, I do tend to have yogurt or cheese later in the day (my tummy can’t take too much food at one go these days!).

This is a product review by Nuffnang, but not a sponsored paid post. 🙂 However, I have received Belvita products for a chance to taste it further!

I will be back with more food posts! I made this awesome Flourless Apple Cake the other day that I really want to share!

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